The crypto market is showing mixed signals as events in Russia dominate. Prices pushed higher on optimism over the official recognition but then dropped back to reality when concerns about Ukraine arose again. Elsewhere, the news of hot US inflation figures coming in at 7.5% and a seizure of $3 billion from hacked Bitcoin by the United States’ Justice Department sparked more volatility for traders around the world. Related Reading | TA: Bitcoin Fails to Test $45K, Why Dips Could Be Attractive The world’s largest asset management firm is preparing to offer cryptocurrency trading services for its clients. BlackRock has over $10 trillion worth of assets under management, including pension schemes and endowments and sovereign wealth funds. The company said they are working on a new project that will allow people in these groups to access various cryptocurrencies through an online platform without owning any digital currencies themselves. “We see increasing institutional adoption of crypto assets and blockchain technology, which will continue to grow in future.” The big four accounting firm KPMG Canada has announced its purchase of Ethereum and Bitcoin for its corporate treasury. This is just the beginning as more companies start paying attention to cryptocurrencies. With the rise of crypto assets, Tennessee has followed Arizona by drafting its Bitcoin bill to allow state and other municipalities to invest in this ...