According to Ripple’s Antony Welfare, Ripple will announce more CBDCs in the coming weeks. Welfare is the CBDC advisor at Ripple. On September 6, the crypto influencer Sentosumosaba tweeted that Ripple was a part of numerous CBDC pilot initiatives, including one in Bhutan and another in Palau. "Ripple has several pilots in the progress for CBDCs, including the Royal Monetary Authority (RMA) of Bhutan and the Republic of Palau." – @AntonyWelfare Several: More than two and fewer than many. 😉 In progress. — ☀🌸Crypto Eri 207k Followers (beware of imposters) (@sentosumosaba) September 6, 2022 The Awaited CBDC Announcement Welfare, a senior adviser at Ripple who oversees CBDC Europe and Global Partnerships, commented on the same thread and hinted that “additional CBDC announcements” would be forthcoming in the “near few weeks.” Since testing a private version of the XRP Ledger in March 2021 and offering central banks a platform to safely create CBDCs, the business has grown more involved in creating central bank digital currencies. Technical Sandbox Program Last week, the U.S.-based think tank Digital Dollar Project (DDP) said that Ripple was among the first participants in its “Technical Sandbox Program,” which examined the possible technical and commercial effects of CBDCs in the country. To promote the growth and development of CBDCs and the Digital Euro together, Ripple also be...