The Bold Group reaches its first milestone following its recent development by delivering the 92nd Saudi National Day celebration into the metaverse. The Bold Group has created an unmatched immersive experience on the metaverse by presenting Saudi culture in a brand-new digital domain. The virtual Saudi National Day celebration will start on September 22, 2022, and go through September 24. Celebration to be Held in the Metaverse The idea of a persistent, networked, 3D cosmos that combines many virtual spaces is known as the metaverse. In these 3D areas, users can work, interact, socialize, and play games and can buy non-fungible token (NFT) outfits for their virtual avatars designed in Saudi tradition. The market for the metaverse is expanding as an intriguing new technology. The acceptance of it is rapidly expanding worldwide, and some brands, entities, and even nations perceive it as a new channel. The Bold Group is one of the first businesses in Saudi Arabia to enter such uncharted waters. Bringing the metaverse to life allows visitors to tour the Kingdom, engage with all facets of Saudi culture, and discover landmarks, cuisine, music, art, and more in one location. Bold Group and King Abdulaziz Foundation The Bold Group and King Abdulaziz Foundation for Research and Archives (Darah) worked together on this innovative project to bring the user experience to life. As Darah and the strategic partnership work to make Saudi Ara...