For their recently launched stablecoin CUSD on KyberSwap Elastic, Coin98 (C98) has opted to increase liquidity on Ethereum. A multi-chain wallet, a decentralized exchange, currency launching, financing, and auditing services are all included in Coin98’s infrastructure, which is referred to as an all-in-one DeFi platform. DeFi is fragmented, making it challenging for new DeFi traders to find all these tools at once and switch chains. Coin98 addresses this by integrating all the services onto a single platform, making them all accessible from a single wallet. Coin98 and KyberSwap Partnership Coin98 and KyberSwap have been partners for a very long time, and KyberSwap’s platform initially supported Coin98 Wallet. By running a liquidity mining program for Coin98’s recently minted stablecoin CUSD, KyberSwap is delighted to further assist Coin98. In addition to USDC, USDT, and BUSD, Coin98 Dollar (CUSD) is a stablecoin linked to the US dollar and offers cross-chain liquidity for all chains. The CUSD is fully insured and supported by reserves. Contract audits for CUSD are made public. CUSD – Lifeline of Coin98 Ecosystem The Coin98 ecosystem is designed with CUSD as its “lifeline,” providing smooth, uniform cross-chain liquidity transfer to existing and upcoming infrastructures. To release CUSD, the user must provide Treasury in USD (CUSD Treasury) in one of the two stablecoins, BUSD or USDC. In contrast, if it is not necessary to use ...